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   Studies Of The Effects Of Meditation On Peace

Various studies have been done by different organizations to measure the effects of group meditation on communities. Some observed the effect of a critical mass of people who meditated and these showed an eight percent decrease in the crime rate in the cities where group meditation was conducted. Other reports showed a significant reduction in acts of violence and increase in cooperative, helpful acts. In war-stricken areas there have been more than 50 percent reported drop in daily war deaths and more than 25 percent drop in war injuries. The overall statistics showed with group meditation, reduced crime rates, fewer hospital admissions, and reduced violence, leading to an increase in the overall quality of life.


21 September is observed as the International Peace Day. Millions of people worldwide come together in prayer, meditation, celebration and collaboration for world peace and global harmony. In the picture here, International Peace Day is observed through the (WTN) Wisdom Tree Network which is a signature campaign for world peace based on profound oaths that directly awaken the consciousness of the individual thereby awakening global peace.

On this occasion every year, Nithyananda Mission’s centers conduct collective group meditations worldwide. The collective consciousness is raised in a much more powerful way when meditation is done as a group.


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