The process of education has become such an important part of the society that one cannot imagine going without it. It has become such an integral part of our lives that the process of education itself has become a habit. But have we ever stopped to think why education plays such an important role in our lives?
The only purpose of education is to develop the knowledge, skill and character of the students. In addition, to teach a student how to live his/her life by developing
a mind and equipping him/her to deal with reality. The training
one needs is theoretical, i.e., conceptual. The children have to be taught to think, to understand, to integrate, to prove.
They have to be taught the essentials of the knowledge discovered in the past-and
have to be equipped to acquire further knowledge by their own effort. As beautifully said by Eric Hoffer
"The central task of education is to implant a will and facility for learning; it should produce not learned but learning people. The truly human society is a learning society, where grandparents, parents, and children are students
together.” The aim of education should be to teach the students how to think, rather than what to think. It should be more towards training the student to think effectively for themselves
rather than teaching them thoughts of other men.
The goal of education to mould an individual and make a complete man with knowledge and character, seems to be lost in the modern education system. Education seems to have been reduced to a indispensable tool that will help in obtaining suitable employment that will take care of ones financial needs. The trend in the east has been where the parents send the children to school seeking a secure future for their kid, which usually meant that the children once they complete their education would be eligible for a good salaried job. This has resulted in a deep dissatisfaction in the chosen career which in turn has resulted in dissatisfaction in life. Most educated people readily agree that even though they are enjoying more material comforts they have not become any more happier than the uneducated people.
Modern education has focused completely on the scientific aspect of education forgetting that there is much more to education than just to obtain a certain skill. Modern education only offers students specialized knowledge of a few disciplines. This partial, fragmented approach leads to partial, fragmented brain development and inevitable problems and suffering in life. Information-based education overburdens children with innumerable facts. It puts them on an endless quest for knowledge in which the thirst for knowledge is never satisfied.
In an attempt to make students successful, modern education involves a lot of hard work geared toward training them for more hard work in the job market. But rather than providing them with a successful life of joy and happiness, this approach generally leads to increased stress and exhaustion, leaving their success and good fortune dependent upon the ups and downs of the economy.
Nithyananda Gurukul a Vedic system of education adapted for modern times, provides the ambience for children to blossom and flower into adulthood fully equipped not only with modern education but also the wisdom to realize and choose what they want to do in life. This has been achieved through consciousness based education, providing students with holistic knowledge through the experience of universal Consciousness which is the basis of all knowledge. This experience enlivens the holistic functioning of the total brain physiology, which is necessary for a healthy, happy, progressive, fulfilled life free from problems and suffering. Consciousness based education fills the gaps in regular education, thus providing total knowledge. The results of the students itself is proof that only total knowledge can eliminate all ignorance.