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   Anna - Food and Nutrition

Mission: Nourishment as a way to Holistic Health. Healthy food for a healthy life

Today, as the gap between the haves and the have-nots has widened like never before, the need to share whatever we have, do whatever we can, wherever possible, to bridge this gap, is the core belief on which this program is based.

In all our centers worldwide, free food is being provided to one and all who visit us. Meals are being served to schools, colleges and poor and needy in rural areas. On an average 10,000 people are being served every day all over the world. Free food is offered to the community along with medical services such as during medical camps. 

The food and nutrition program is designed to access various sections of the population. On a priority basis the following programs are in process of implementation.

Nithya Anna Seva

Weekly food distribution program for needy citizens of old age homes, orphanages. Distribution of food parcels to street dwellers.

Bal Anna Seva (Pre-school nutrition project):

In order to reduce the mal-nutrition levels prevalent in children of this age, a supplementary nutritious diet for the growth and development of children from low-income group families in play schools and day care centers is planned. Children in the age group of 0-5 will be given ¼ of the daily calories requirement and one-half of the daily protein requirements at day care centers and play schools. 

Shaala Anna Seva: 

We provide wholesome and balanced meals for school going children in the age group 5 to 16 or primary school children with the aim of improving their overall health and well being.

Arogya Anna Seva: 

Free food is offered to the community along with medical services such as during medical camps. This service will be continued wherever medical camps are held.


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